Kristen Stogniew, Esq., CFE to Speak at 11th Annual BSA/AML School

10/7/2015 - By Abbey Lelina

Kristen Stogniew, Esq., CFE will be presenting at the 11th Annual BSA/AML School, hosted by the Florida Bankers Association in Orlando, Florida. The event will be held at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center on October 20-23, 2015. 

The four-day event will identify and present the ongoing challenges and enforcement actions that BSA, AML, compliance and other operational specialists within the banking industry may face. 

Kristen will kick-off the School with an informal, but comprehensive overview for those that are relatively new to the BSA/AML role, along with tips to ensure success for the new Officer and the bank. The sessions will aggregate her 20+ years’ experience in consulting, testing and training on BSA and how money is laundered, and best practices for preventing and detecting it at financial institutions of all sizes.

Kristen says, “I thought it would be fun and worthwhile to start the BSA School with an informal overview for those just starting out in a BSA role. I've always tried in my practice to not only explain complex requirements to the level of the audience, but also to support those who want to propel their careers forward. There's not only technical or mental, but also emotional and sometimes physical stresses when you're responsible for BSA or compliance in a financial institution and, let's just say, you aren't always appreciated. That is why many of the compliance or operational training events facilitated by Saltmarsh have a networking and support group type component. I'm looking forward to the sessions!” 

For those that are interested in the event, you can find the registration page by clicking here.

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