Estate planning is filled with an abundance of acronyms and terms that can be quite perplexing at first glance, but with a bit of guidance and explanation, they can become much more manageable. Understanding these acronyms is crucial for navigating the intricacies of estate planning as well as making well-informed decisions. Since the process can be quite complex, it’s helpful to have all the definitions in one accessible place.
One of the focal points following the presidential election is the potential for an increase in tariffs applied to goods produced outside the US. Many investors have wondered what this could mean for markets. To read more...
The first phase of financial life is the Accumulation Phase. It is characterized by the initial increase in net worth. For most, this aligns with the early years of their career. The keys to a successful Accumulation Phase are prioritizing goals, maximizing savings, understanding where dollars should be saved, how and when to use credit, and managing risks. The following are some of the basics that should help you identify areas for focus as you begin to build your initial wealth.
When it comes to investing, a big obstacle many people face is the fear of catastrophe. If you invest in a stock, there’s always the possibility that the value may drop to zero. In fact, we used to have a wall in the office lunchroom that was covered with stock certificates from liquidated companies. Most of those businesses likely had good ideas and solid plans. Read more...
Every January, many of us commit to resolutions like eating healthier or exercising more, but a lot of us fall short of sticking to them—because lifestyle change is hard. Improving success in most areas of life demands increased effort and action. But investing is different in a way many of us have a hard time accepting: Doing less often means ending up with more. Read more...
This article will guide you through the essential considerations for managing a personal injury settlement, helping you avoid pitfalls and secure a stable financial future.
Every year, many investment and consulting firms release new CMAs, or capital market assumptions. CMAs can be useful for setting risk and return expectations and for long-term financial planning. However, as the old saying goes, it’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.1 Even well-constructed CMAs are not a crystal ball and, when used inappropriately, can lead to suboptimal outcomes for investors.(2)
Against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions, economic challenges, and electoral uncertainty, 2024 proved the resilience of public financial markets and the power of human ingenuity once again. Markets continued to do what they do best: efficiently process information and set fair prices, rewarding long-term investors with positive returns.
As 2024 passes, it’s time to reflect on the key themes that shaped this eventful year. Geopolitical uncertainties, lingering effects from COVID-19, the U.S. presidential election, and debates about a hard versus soft economic landing kept investors on edge at the year’s outset. Yet, alongside the challenges, there were significant opportunities for growth. Here’s an overview of major developments in U.S. and international markets and their broader implications.
Just as airline safety instructions advise securing your own oxygen mask first, clients should prioritize their financial stability before focusing on giving. With the right guidance, clients can build a personalized plan that aligns with their life goals—including charitable giving—while reducing tax impacts and ensuring they have enough funds for their lifetime.
As the November election approaches, it's normal for investors to become anxious about how the outcome may impact their investments. The president wields tremendous power, so it’s reasonable to assume that the election of a particular party or candidate will have a direct and significant effect on the stock market. While this is an understandable conclusion, it is not correct. In this article, we'll explore election year market trends from 1928 to 2023, to illustrate why sticking to your investment strategy is the best approach, regardless of election results.
At the start of August, the U.S. stock market experienced an unexpectedly sharp decline, losing over 7% in just the first three trading days. While those losses were eventually recovered, many investors were left wondering what caused such a dramatic sell-off. The answer lies in something known as the "carry trade," specifically, the Yen carry trade. But what exactly is the Yen carry trade, and why did it have such a significant impact on equity markets?
The recent data breach at the Social Security Administration has raised concerns about identity theft and the potential compromise of personal information. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones in an increasingly digital world.
Saltmarsh Financial Advisors, LLC, has been recognized by Accounting Today as a top firm by total assets under management (AUM) for the fourth year in a row!
Fathers play an important role in teaching us many things when we are children. A few common lessons include how to hold a flashlight steady, how to arrive at the airport early, and that “it’s not the heat that gets you, it’s the humidity.” Another common topic fathers teach us about is money. This is an area I learned a lot about from my dad. Having spent most of his career as a regional business developer for Firehouse Subs, he helped franchisees succeed by guiding them on smart money and business decisions. The money lessons I learned while sitting in his office as a kid inspired me to pursue a career in finance. For this Father’s Day, I’d like to share some of these lessons and how they can be applied in practical terms.
The S&P 500 hit a new all-time high 22 times during the first quarter of 2024. Since 1957, the index has reached a new high every 14.3 days. These higher prices are great for investors in the market, but present a hurdle for investors on the sidelines. Let’s look at how investors should approach this hurdle to get their funds invested for the future.
Nearly every year, a handful of securities generate headlines for delivering eye-popping returns. A challenge for investors is determining what portion of that return is a one-off windfall and not something to expect going forward. Viewing expected returns through the lens of cost of capital may help benchmark what constitutes a reasonable expected return from the market.
It’s March 2024 and it’s been almost 2 years since our last inflation deep dive, when inflation was at decades-long highs. Since then, the Fed aggressively raised rates to combat inflation but has recently paused as inflation slowed. Current inflation data look good in recent context, so many are hopeful the Fed will lower interest rates. However, inflation is rising at concerning rates in a few key categories, which may force the Fed to delay cuts. Let’s review the current state of inflation and areas of concern, and discuss what can be done to help reduce its impact.
Throughout 2023 and 2024, Saltmarsh Financial Advisors will host a 4-part women-focused series centered on building confidence and community around the unique financial situations individuals may face in their lives. Featured segments will focus on the central themes of navigating loss, divorce, caregiving and philanthropic giving.
Compounding is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Just ask Albert Einstein, who’s said to have called it the “eighth wonder.” The seemingly small decisions we make every day gain power over time. That’s why it’s important to take the long view and come up with a plan—in both wellness and investing—that creates momentum in the direction of our goals. Don’t squander the power of time when you can recruit it to work in your favor.
It is natural for investors to want more exposure to last year’s top-performing market segment. The challenge is determining what portion of that return was a one-off windfall and not something to expect going forward. Viewing expected returns through the lens of cost of capital may help benchmark what constitutes a reasonable expected return from the market.
Credit cards can be a powerful tool in your financial toolkit. Using them properly can help build credit and provide exciting rewards. As is the case with most powerful tools, improperly using it can cause significant harm. This article will discuss some do's and don'ts of credit card use.
Trade executions prioritize among three key parameters: price, quantity, and timing. Dimensional’s top trading priority is price. It is the focal point throughout our investment process, given that prices incorporate the aggregate views of market participants, and that differences in prices have significant explanatory power for differences in expected returns. In fixed income, we use current market prices to calculate expected returns, to determine the most attractive term, credit, and currency positioning, and to monitor credit quality in real time. Our fixed income trading process has also been designed with the goal of realizing competitive pricing to help lower transaction costs and to potentially capture the targeted return premiums.
The Magnificent 7 stocks continue to capture the focus of investors as these large growth names have outpaced the bulk of global equities. Their outperformance is notable because eye-popping returns for top stocks tend to occur before they reach the top of the market. Once there, subsequent returns tend to lag the market.
This past year had its share of financial uncertainty, from inflation and rising interest rates to volatile stock and bond markets. Headlines added to the unease, from the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and other lenders to the threat of government shutdowns. So it’s no surprise some people feel anxious right now. When it comes to investing during trying times, it can be easy to lose track of how well markets function. Spoiler alert: They’ve been working just the way we’d expect.