11/26/2012 - By Lisa Fairbanks, CPA
Year-end tax planning is especially difficult this year to the many uncertainties over tax laws in 2013. In most years, accelerating income would not be top strategy based on the time value of money. However, if you're concerned that tax rates will be going up for 2013 due to expiring Bush tax cuts and the new Medicare tax, then we have a few suggestions that may be of use before 2013, and could help to reduce the overall burden of taxes.
Accelerate income into 2012:
Postpone deductions until 2013:
These are a few ideas, however, it is important to remember that each tax situation is different and you must consider your unique and individual circumstances above all else. We would be glad to help with your year-end planning in this year of complicated tax uncertainties.
Please call our office for more information or to make an appointment with a Saltmarsh tax professional at (800) 477-7458.