Suzanne Cox Featured in Mobilization Funding Cash Flow Management Webinar

3/26/2021 - By Suzanne Cox, CPA, CIT

Cash flow in construction is complex, but managing your company's cash flow shouldn't feel impossible. What you need are a few simple, actionable strategies that will take your cash flow management from chaotic to clear and productive.

Recently shareholder Suzanne Cox, CPA, CIT, joined Mobilization Funding to share best practices for managing, tracking and forecasting cash flow in your construction company. See how effective cash flow management can increase your team's performance and your company's ability to grow! 

What was shared:

  • Why cash flow management matters
  • Best practices for company accounting & cash flow tracking
  • How to forecast profitability and finance growth

Mobilization Funding began with the interests of commercial contractors and manufacturers in mind. They provide loans to cover materials, labor, and other early-project expenses before you start billing for the job. These funds provide critical working capital to get the job started and manage the project's cash flow efficiently and appropriately. The capital can also support surety bond underwriting.

Click here to watch the webinar recording on YouTube. 

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